Whoever grants respite to someone in difficulty or relieves him , Allah will shade him on the Day Of Ressurection when there is no shade but his.

Khubaib Foundation provides immediate relief for people affected by natural and man-made humanitarian disasters worldwide. Our outreach is divided into two phases. First, we prioritize serving the most vulnerable populations through emergency relief. Collaborating with affected communities, our teams provide emergency aid that includes clean water, food packs, nutritious meals, educational resources, medical supplies, shelter homes, and more. In the second phase, we focus on the rehabilitation of affected communities. This includes homes, WASH, schools, and health facilities. These initiatives help affected communities recover quickly.

Your generous support can help our teams to provide emergency aid and to initiate rehabilitation programs in affected areas. Khubaib Foundation ensures that 100% of your donations are allocated directly to charitable causes. With your support, we will ensure that our team is well prepared for a swift and effective response in an arising crisis.


gaza relief

Gaza Crisis

Khubaib Foundation Pakistan is working with local partners to provide necessary medical resources to the people who are in dire need. We also provide food to families who had to leave their homes due to the conflict. Let us pray for the safety .

Turkiye Earthquake

Khubaib Foundation actively participated in relief operations and collaborated with the Turkish local government to offer assistance to affected communities. Our teams initiated crucial initiatives following the devastating earthquakes in Turkey.

Afghanistan Crisis

Khubaib Foundation has been working in Afghanistan since 2011 and was registered in 2019 as a nonprofit organization in Afghanistan. Our teams are expanding relief work in all provinces of the country, delivering aid to those who need it most.