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orphan care program

Khubaib Foundation stands committed to driving positive change through its Orphan Care and Education Programme (OCEP). We are dedicated to empowering lives and reducing poverty through quality education and rehabilitation support. Orphans and children from underprivileged backgrounds are primary focus of our programme. OECP of Khubaib Foundation not only empowers disaster-prone populations but also paves the way for Pakistan’s economic development.
Khubaib Foundation operates 10 educational complexes featuring cutting-edge facilities including hostels, classrooms, sports complexes, and mosques. These hostels are playing a vital role in offering a nurturing environment and enhancing the quality of life for orphaned children.
We provide both boarding and day scholar facilities for orphans, recognizing that some of them may need to support their mothers in daily routine activities. Aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 4, we aim to accommodate and support students in their unique circumstances, ensuring accessibility to education for all.

Orphan Students
Orphans Enrolled
Orphan Marriages
Orphan Employement
Orphan Skills Program
Foreign Scholorships
Orphan Benefiaciaries
Total Expendatures

Our Education Philosophy


Khubaib Orphanages Facilities

The selected orphans receive hygienic food, a standardized education system, shelter, healthcare facilities, clothing, toys, daily necessities, and emotional support until the age of 18. Afterward, we offer scholarships for higher education to students who are willing to pursue their studies.
We ensure the provision of an educational kit, including school bags, curriculum books, stationery, seasonal uniforms, and shoes quarterly. To create a home-like environment, orphans receive pocket money, enjoy their favorite meals, and get surprise gifts. we arrange joint birthday programs, sports activities, and Cultural events at orphanages every month.
We ensure mental, social, and moral growth through a multi-module framework, designed for their well-being and development. Taekwondo has been adopted as a foundation game to empower children with self-sustained control, self-confidence, and self-defense.

Orphan Family Support Program

Khubaib Foundation also supports the families of orphaned to help them become self-sustaining members of society. We provide cattle, hens, goats, and sewing machines, or assist in starting businesses, fostering financial stability. In this manner, we endeavor to foster the moral and social growth of the sponsored children and their families


Get Involved In Our Program

In our Orphanages, thousands of children are living happily and enjoying a quality of life. Meanwhile, there are a Large number of orphans in Pakistan who are deprived of these very essentials and need our love and protection.

If you wish to impact the lives of these children, kindly consider donating to Khubaib Foundation orphanages. Your generous contribution will support the provision of essential needs and compassionate care.

Frequently Asked Questions

In Arabic, the word for orphan is “Yateem.” According to Islamic Jurisprudence, a Yateem refers to any child, male or female, who has lost their father, or both parents, and has not reached the age of puberty. However, in modern terms, an orphan is typically defined as a child who loses their parents before reaching the age of 18

Khubaib Foundation does not facilitate adoption but encourages individuals interested in adoption to adhere to Pakistan’s legislation. Instead, we offer sponsorship programs for orphans, providing them with basic necessities, healthcare, and education, enabling a brighter future while allowing them to remain with their living parent or extended family whenever possible.

Your vital donations are put towards schooling, regular meals, regular maintenance of building accommodations (hostels / Orphanages for both boys and girls) and financial support for careers and families for orphans in need.

Khubaib Foundation requires the following documents for admission: Form-B or Family Registration Certificate from NADRA (4 to 12 years old), Father’s Death Certificate, photocopies of both parents’ CNICs, contact details of the mother or guardian, photocopy of guardian’s CNIC if applicable, full-body and close-up photos of the orphan student (with scarf for girls), previous school leaving certificate or current class information, guardianship letter on stamp paper if applicable, short biography of the orphan student, and a family photograph.

Not Less than 4-Years and Not More Than 10 Years

The cost of sponsoring an orphan can be as little as Rs 18,000 a month or Rs 216,000 a year. Keep in mind that 100% of your sponsorship goes directly to the orphans, Khubaib Foundation will never use your donation for administration or operational use.

Khubiab Foundation does not offer the option for one on one communication with an orphan. We focus on the betterment of communities as a whole. We will provide an orphan profile upon sponsorship so you can get to know your sponsored child status and we will provide time to time an update. Moreover, you can come and visit our orphanages during educational time period and meet as well.

Yes, we allow all the sponsors to send the gifts to their sponsored child but the gift must be a useful item that help / facilitate in his/her educational and sports.

Once an orphan reaches the age of 18, KF will not left the Orphan till he/she settled in their life. Many of them joined undergraduate programs in various disciplines and in various Universities and colleges across the Pakistan. Alhamdolillah, Khubaib Foundation bears all the expenses like tuition fee, traveling expenses, pocket money, books & stationary charges, while they are staying in our orphanage.