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MOU Signing Ceremony Between Khubaib Foundation Pakistan and Pakistan Boy Scouts Association

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between Pakistan Boy Scouts Association (PBSA) and Khubaib Foundation at the Khubaib Foundation Head Office, Islamabad. The ceremony marked the beginning of a collaborative partnership aimed at enhancing community services and supporting vulnerable and marginalized communities.

Mr. Nadeem Ahmed Khan, Chairman Khubaib Foundation, and Mr. Sarfaraz Qamar Daha, Chief Commissioner, Pakistan Boy Scouts Association, led the signing ceremony. They were accompanied by other notable figures, including Khubaib Foundation management team, as well as executives of PBSA.

During the ceremony, Mr. Nadeem Ahmed Khan and Mr. Sarfaraz Qamar Daha expressed their commitment to various collaborative initiatives aimed at making a significant impact. These initiatives include enhancing community services, providing professional training, fostering spiritual development, developing leadership skills, and sharing resources to better serve the community.

The partnership is a step forward in creating a positive impact on society through concerted efforts and shared goals. Both organizations are optimistic about the outcomes of this collaboration and are dedicated to working together toward a better future for vulnerable populations.