Khubaib Foundation and Islamabad Run with Us Collaborate to Promote Health at Islamabad Marathon

Khubaib Foundation and Islamabad Run with Us Collaborate to Promote Health at Islamabad Marathon

Islamabad (29 January 2023): Khubaib Foundation, in partnership with Islamabad Run with Us, proudly participated in the Islamabad Marathon, contributing to a monumental event to foster health, unity, and community spirit. Held under the auspices of Islamabad Run with Us, the marathon attracted over 3000 individuals from across the globe, showcasing the power of unity and a healthy lifestyle.
A highlight of the event was the participation of 18 orphans supported by the Khubaib Foundation, who enthusiastically joined the 5- and 10-kilometer races and the children’s fun run. These young participants exemplified determination and resilience, earning well-deserved medals and certificates.
The collaboration between Islamabad Run with Us and Khubaib Foundation marks a significant milestone in raising awareness about healthier lifestyles and promoting the well-being of orphaned children in Pakistan. Qasim Naz, the founder of Islamabad Run with Us, emphasized the event’s special cause. He stated, Our main objective remains to promote healthy lifestyles, marathon tourism, and projecting a positive image of Pakistan all over the world.
Nadeem Ahmed Khan, Chairman of Khubaib Foundation, underscored the importance of the Islamabad Marathon in fostering a passion for health and community. His participation in the event reflects the Foundation’s dedication to supporting initiatives that empower marginalized communities and promote holistic well-being.
Khubaib Foundation extends its gratitude to Islamabad Run with Us for their collaboration and to all participants and supporters who contributed to making the Islamabad Marathon a resounding success. Together, we continue to strive towards a healthier, more inclusive society.